Overcoming Fake 'Militia'
To restore the constitutionally-mandated Militia, we must first expose poseurs
I had an excellent question today from a new member. Although we are nowhere near executing our Phase 2 (which will begin by enacting Grand Jury and Militia Ordinances in 100 counties in a single phalanx), when I receive a question of general applicability and high importance, I post it with my response, as an article.
First, look at the images above of the garb and equipment of the typical existing armed private groups abusing the name 'militia', vs. the image above of what will be a typical member of real County Militia in support of Grand Jury actions most often against corrupt public servants. Which looks more normal and trustworthy? Which can be easily caricatured as terrorists?
His question
My County Coordinator asked me to reach out to you…because I’m involved in the militia movement. I discovered Tactical Civics™ less than a month ago. One of the main things that piqued my interest was your call for a County Militia Ordinance; something I've been talking about locally for at least a year now.
I've read The Great We-Set™ and am currently reading Time To Start Over, America.
I served in the Army for seven years and have been involved in the militia movement at various levels for about ten years.
My response
Well, it's all in the book you're reading now. You're already in your Tactical Civics™ County Chapter and reading the "detox" material, so that's excellent! I believe that for you personally and for the armed group that you belong to (that calls itself 'militia') this will go one of two ways:
1) You will get the same treatment from that armed group that every other Tactical Civics™ member has gotten so far over the past 4-5 years: the ‘owners’ of the private armed group will read some of our materials, decide they don't want to give up their club to the people of the community, and tell you "No way!" or they may even do what several armed vigilante groups have done: start slandering our organization (calling us an FBI sting or something similar), to keep their members from joining us.
In that case, you'll have to decide whether to leave that group and be the first of a small founding group in a true, legitimate Militia in your county when the time comes. You’d line up a set of officers who can be appointed by the county, and you or someone else in that group get prepared to make the presentation when we're ready to launch Phase 2...with the Grand Jury Ordinance ALWAYS going first, before the Militia Ordinance.
I will reiterate what I say in the books: any true Militia unit being formed IS NOT A PART OF TACTICAL CIVICS™. We are not a Militia organization; we are a recruitment, education, support, and organizing entity for American popular constitutionalism.
Or the second possibility is...
2) The members of your Militia unit make American history by agreeing to join, learn, and adhere to Tactical Civics™ and join 99 other county chapters in our Phase 2 phalanx when we hold action events in 100 county governments across America, when our CEO Robert Drake says, "Go!"
How would that look? Well, the 'owners' of the armed group to which you presently belong would agree with my book, Time to Start Over, America. They would decide that the private group of armed men will study and prepare to make a great presentation at the county meeting. They would do it in close coordination with your Tactical Civics™ chapter. And they would agree to do just like the other 99 teams across America...only AFTER the county Tactical Civics™ Chapter has made its presentation demanding that the county commission enact our proposed County Grand Jury Ordinance.
Why does the Grand Jury Ordinance go first? So the public can witness the proto-Militia group deferring to the U.S. Constitution, to ancient American custom since colonial times, and to the rule of law. The public will see history being made: We The People lawfully, rationally operating in an unprecedented alliance of two ancient law enforcement institutions of Western Civilization, as Americans did centuries ago when our civilization was much saner. This deferential action by the militiamen of the community will begin to finally overcome the visceral fear and loathing the American People feel towards the very word, militia.
This principled stand in public will accomplish three important ends:
1) It’s a necessary catharsis for men whose tempers are too short and frustrations too long;
2) It’s a profound relief to all those citizens who fear their tyrants, great and petty; and
3) It’s a loud message to those tyrants: cease and desist, or your days in a prison cell are coming.
A Deeper Dive: Who Has Power Over Our Militias?
In our U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clauses 15 and 16, We The People are only describing the powers that we grant to congress to use ('borrow') our Militias for those federal purposes. In Clause 16 we allow congress to even set the standards of training for our 'borrowed' armed forces, but only when using them for a federal purpose. So, two vital facts to keep in mind:
1) The congress never had the authority to alter, abolish, diminish, re-purpose, or otherwise change the People's basic uses or powers of our Militias. In the Constitution and for all of prior American history, the Militias are not fundamentally federal. They are the men of America's communities serving a fundamentally State function; and
2) The state governors, or other applicable high commanders of the Militias, must agree to deploy them for federal purposes. A state, county, or local 'commander-in-chief' of any Militia can refuse to deploy them for a federal action that violates the US Constitution, such as an undeclared war, a treasonous action against the American People, or the like.
If you think it's silly to imagine a government telling citizens to kill their own relatives and neighbors, you haven't read enough history...including the true story of Lincoln's war!
Now, remember the timeline of American civics: with the Constitution, We The People did not create either Grand Jury or Militia; we already had them for many generations prior to our establishing that law. So the truth was the opposite: with the Constitution, We The People created the three federal servant branches. Then, in Article I, we enumerate the powers that we grant to our new creature, congress.
Those powers include the power to declare wars. But you must understand Amendment X (wherein We The People retain all powers not enumerated to our creatures congress, presidents, and federal courts) to understand why the American People in 1789 finally agreed to ratify the new arrangement.
Back then, the People's retained powers would obviously include our power to refuse to support any illegal or unjust war declared by congress because at the time the States ratified this Constitution, wars were assumed to always be purely defensive, here on our own soil. They couldn't foresee a Military Industrial Complex taking over the earth in the name of the American People!
So with that (admittedly gullible) assumption in mind, the People's refusal to go to war was very easily exercised back then: the men of all the Militia units could simply stay home. But after Lincoln and the 37th Congress created the monster that the Founding Fathers despised and inveighed against (a paid standing army) everything came tumbling down.
Several Founding Fathers wrote on this very topic, that the Militia was precisely the People's defense against a standing army, which they saw from European history would become a plundering force for megalomaniacs with delusions of empire, and with politicians on their payroll.
That's one of the key misunderstandings about Grand Jury, Militia, and the Constitution. The best way to always keep things straight is to recall that in the Constitution, We The People create, define, and severely limit our three federal servant branches. Also keep in mind one of the late Justice Antonin Scalia's great dicta:
The Constitution says what it says, and it doesn't say what it doesn't say
Regarding any power the servants claim, if you don't read it in the black letter text of the U.S. Constitution, regardless how long the creatures of that law have operated as though it is written therein, they are exercising that power just as any Mafia family or drug cartel exercises power.
Yet, the only time we use the word 'necessary' in the Constitution (Amendment II), we are calling for well-regulated Militia. Not a U.S. Army, or sheriffs, or federal marshals, or city cops. Just the men of each community, at arms and well-regulated.
But as for our servants, regardless what we were taught, and regardless of the claims they make, our federal servants have no powers...nor do they even have existence outside of our stipulated bounds created via enumeration in the Constitution.
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Copyright 2023 AmericaAgain! Trust